To lose their fear all they had to do was get to know each other.
So now, what am I to make of the likes of you?
Could you cut your own arm off? و آیا میشود جمله به صورت زیر بیاید؟ چرا؟ Could you cut your own arm تفاوت این دو چیست؟
ساختار جمله امری چجوریه؟ میشه کامل توشیح بدین؟
Athena received nothing and cried for hours wanting to know why her grandfather didn’t love her کسی میدونه در این جمله که گذشته هست زمانش wanting to know چه سبکی از گرامره؟
There are many activities for travelers, including beautiful beaches for swimming.
all you'll ever be is my eternal consolation prize میشه درمورد این ساختار یکم توضیح بدین هم گرامری هم معنایی
Spring loadin به چه معنی هست؟ساختارش درسته ؟ و معنی میده اصلا!
just for not having wanted to lose his web مربوط به چه زمانیه و کاربردش چیه؟
He’s far better off growing up away from all of that معنی کلی این جمله رو میدونم اما ساختار جمله رو متوجه نمیشم