Ladies and gentlemen it is a very great privilege for me to be asked to make a speech about the bride and her........
In ....... nothing much happened at the meeting.
The high school teacher was so strict that he would not let his students ....... any of the stunts that they tried to pull with their previous teacher.
The high school teacher was so strict that he would not let his students ....... any of the stunts that they tried to pull with their previous teacher.
When the announcement was made about their ......., there was a big celebration.
در جمله : Ali with Javad..... two apples فعل مناسب را انتخاب کنید
I don't know about you but I can't make sense of this at all. Answer: ........
I hope it's all clear now, isn't it? Answer: No, ........
Answer the questions at the back of the book and make ....... that you check your answers carefully.
Don't always ....... creating another database or a workaround program because there may actually be a better business solution for the problem.