When I arrive home, I'm going to have a ______ bath.
Medical research at the cellular level, ……… research on the immune system, has been made possible through twentieth-century advances in techniques of genetic research.
Transplanting organs ……… has proved easier than transplanting muscles.
In so-called nonfiction novels, a documentary style is combined with fictional techniques ……… actual events and people.
The problem facing most tourists is ……… among so many possibilities.
Any acid can, in principle, neutralize any base, although ……… between some of the more reactive compounds.
Celluloid and plastics have largely replaced genuine ivory in the manufacture ……… buttons, billiard balls, and piano keys.
توی سوال قلمچی قسمت زبان یک سوال اومده بود با این مضمون که : 95 tons of food waste that can't be sold is being converted to energy by the company. با توجه به اینکه ما با استفاده از واحد تن کلمه غیر قابل شمارش رو تبدیل به قابل شمارش کردیم چرا باید از فعل مفرد استفاده شه؟
In so-called nonfiction novels, a documentary style is combined with fictional techniques ……… actual events and people.
Four flags have flown over the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, New Mexico: ………….. Spain, Mexico, the Confederacy, and the United States.