Your reluctance to accept his advice may ……… our entire plan.
After receiving over two hundred resumes, the human resources department must now ……… all of the potential candidates to find the ideal person for the position.
I have to confess due to the problems we are grappling with the investment has ……… to almost half of its original value.
I left my last job because I had no ...... to travel.
It wasn't a bad crash and ...... damage was done to my car.
The company needs to decide ...... and for all what its position is on this point.
Michael soon realized that his wife was ……… and that she would never have a child.
If you want to ……… health problems in the future, you should start exercising on a daily basis.
Test instructions were not ……… clear for us to understand.
The automobile industry continues to be an important ……… of employment and transportation for millions of people worldwide.