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به نظر شما چه معادلی برای کلمه carnival games   می‌تونیم بذاریم؟

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با سلام. معنی عبارت زیر چیست؟  I thought he carried off the part of Hamlet with great skill.

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Stunt on these fools  اگه بخوایم به فارسی برگردونیم چجوری میشه؟

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 چرا از "Ain't no way" به جای "There isn't any way" استفاده شده است و این عبارت چه نوعی از ساختار زبان است "Ain't no way that I can leave you stranded"

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Exfoliated cells, body fluids, secretions or puncture fluids were collected for diagnosis after smear and staining of diseased cells.

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A: You know, I wish I hadn't gotten that exercise machine.   B: What do you mean? A: Well, I hate to say it, but it's pretty hard to operate.   B: That's a shame. Can you return it? A: It's too late. If only I'd thought about that sooner. B: Well, maybe you can sell it A: I'll think about that. Thanks

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