Customer discovery یعنی چی؟
به نظر شما چه معادلی برای کلمه carnival games میتونیم بذاریم؟
معنی عبارت continuum wise را در خط سوم متن میخواهم
با سلام. معنی عبارت زیر چیست؟ I thought he carried off the part of Hamlet with great skill.
جمله شش دانگ عرصه و اعیان در اسناد به انگلیسی چیست؟
اصطلاح paint the abs به چه معناست؟
Stunt on these fools اگه بخوایم به فارسی برگردونیم چجوری میشه؟
چرا از "Ain't no way" به جای "There isn't any way" استفاده شده است و این عبارت چه نوعی از ساختار زبان است "Ain't no way that I can leave you stranded"
Exfoliated cells, body fluids, secretions or puncture fluids were collected for diagnosis after smear and staining of diseased cells.
A: You know, I wish I hadn't gotten that exercise machine. B: What do you mean? A: Well, I hate to say it, but it's pretty hard to operate. B: That's a shame. Can you return it? A: It's too late. If only I'd thought about that sooner. B: Well, maybe you can sell it A: I'll think about that. Thanks