سلام تفاوت water و the water چیه؟ مثلا I found a ship under the water
سلام دوستان معنی فعل give light چیه مثلا It gave us little light
He is the wanna be drill soldier, that attacked recently. بیشتر ترجمه ی صحیح wanna be drill برام اینجا مطرحه.
از اونجا که gill معنی آبشش میده چرا این کلمه در گیاهان استفاده میشه مثل plant gills
سلام. چه معادلی برای Vulgar در این بافت پیشنهاد می کنید؟ And the fireplace wasn’t the worst feature of the living room. There was a tiny powder room under the stairs directly beside the living room. David’s mother said it was “ vulgar .”
با سلام. معنی جمله زیر چیست؟ I don't mind staying at home, watching TV - that kind of thing .
God has endowed mankind with reason لطفاً ترجمه صحیح و روان از این جمله ، با سپاس
i study in the high
A frst step is defning what we mean by AI and machine learning, and this is not necessarily a straightforward distinction. In a glib sense the public relations and fundraising functions of startups te ...
"I am from the remainders of Dravidians and not from those of the Oads". تشکر