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I used to change my piece of gum once a day. I used to do it in our lift on the way home from school. Why the lift? Because I liked sticking the gooey piece that I’d just finished with on to one of the control buttons. Then the next person who came along and pressed the button got my old gum on the end of his or her finger. Ha-ha! And what a racket they kicked up, some of them.

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عبارتی یا کلمه‌ای  در تضاد با جلب توجه  سراغ دارید که بشه تو ترجمه استفاده کرد (الان ننویسید دفع توجه😂🤣) ادیت: دوستان ببخشید اگه واضح نبوده پرسشم😓. متضاد فارسی برای ترجمه به فارسی میخوام

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جمله کاملش اینه  welcome the interruption and enjoy a nice long chat

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میتونید جمله زیر رو معنی کنید؟  At the hands of my bias, Yugyum, no less.

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