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لطفا بگید این جمله ترکی یعنی چی؟ sanki onlar hayal değil, gerçekti.

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برای موضوع مدیریت، چه ترجمه ای پیشنهاد میکنید What generative energy, space and consciousness can you and your body be beyond the schematic of time, dimensions, reality and matter that would manifest with you as the catalyst that changes every single solitary molecule you come into contact with?

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Look at the energy of what your life would be like if you were being the energy of a benevolent leader at all times. Ask for the awareness of the energy you might be like if you were willing to be the energy you CAN be. What would that energy be like? It’s not what it would LOOK like; it’s what it would BE like.

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فرق بین دو کلمه solitaire و worrier چیست؟ آیا هر دو معنی سرباز می دهند؟

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