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The phosphorus and potassium concentration in the irrigation water depends on the quantity of Multi-MKP in the tank mix, and on the injection ratio. Use the following table to calculate the quantity of Multi-MKP and the injection ratio needed to reach your target concentration in the irrigation water. 

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Multi-MKP is compatible with most water-soluble fertilizers, except for fertilizers containing calcium (Ca++) or magnesium (Mg++). To apply Multi-MKP in combination with calcium or magnesium fertilizers, use two fertilizer tanks. If only a single fertilizer tank is available, apply those fertilizers at different times.

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خیلی جاها دیدمش همیشه واسم سوال بوده که ینی چی 

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When they go out on what they assume to be the following day they are astonished to hear church bells ringing out across the streets below and to see crosses on all the high buildings. Unbeknown to them, God had spared them from witnessing the cruel ravages of heathenism by putting them to sleep for two centuries, and so the youths passed overnight from a pagan world to a Christian one

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We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teacher, leave them kids alone Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone All in all, it's just another brick in t ...

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إذا كنت حبیبتي ، ساعدني في … إذا كنت طبيبي ، ساعدني في علاجك … إذا علمت أن الحب كان خطيرًا للغاية ، فلن أحبه … إذا علمت أن البحر كان عميقًا جدًا ، فلن أذهب إلى البحر … إذا كنت أعرف ما الذي سيحدث في النهاية ، فلن أبدأ أبدًا

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ترجمه شعر انگلیسی: When I close my eyes You can still touch her And I fantasize She's still your lover When I wake up I see The only place you'll be I know where you'll be

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معنای توضیحی long-promised یعنی «آنچه از گذشته دور به آن وعده داده شده است».