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هر لحظه که تسلیمم   در کارگه تقدیر آرام تر از آهو  بی‌باک تر از شیرم  هر لحظه که می‌کوشم   در کار کنم تدبیر رنج از پی زنج آید  زنجیر پی زنجیر

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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given. 10. author a. The school has...... the establishment of a new department.  b. The new college was inaugurated by the university.......  c. Who is the....... of the book you are recommending? d. The professor has .....  . several textbooks so far.

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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given. 9. grow a. The...... Child needs nutrient foods. b. To Dewey, education is nothing but......  c. Parents love to see their children....to adulthood.

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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given. 8. excitement a. All the children were.....  about the birthday party.  b. Life without.....can become boring.  c. The students talked about their achievements .......

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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given. 5. mature a Teachers enjoy watching their students......  b.  Some.... later than others, some, perhaps, never.  c.  Infancy will gradually lead to......  d. The effect of...... was not controlled in the experiment.

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