معنی policy consideration در این عبارت رو لطف میکنید بگید؟ The policy consideration that played a role in this decision was that the learner driver was covered by insurance.
Error free utterance ترجمه این عبارت چی میشه ممنون میشم راهنماییم کنید
She jumps onto the new topic of our conversation.
bridgeburner توی کتاب فانتزی "تباهی نامه ی مالازان" گروهی از کهنه سربازها هستند که بهشون بریجبرنر میگن. از طرفی سایت urbandictionary.com برای این کلمه نوشته: a person who ends a work, romanti ...
تفاوت pull on و put on
what's the stuff all over u're clothes?! معنیه اصلاح چیه
there was a problem connecting to the server
he has annually haunted the scene of the tragedy with his horse.
The legend runs that one of the Cunliffes of Billington, ممنونم میشم
سلام . وقتتون بخیر. معنی جمله "Of course, this drill is a bit unnatural and designed to be confusing" یعنی چی؟ کلمه drill اینجا به چه معناست؟