سلام دوستان اگر آخر یک صفت est اومد آیا باید حتما قبلش the بیاد؟
Has been cooking برای چه زمانی است؟
معنی pretty بجز بسیار زیبا هم معنی میده ؟
this kid is driving me crazy! اصطلاحه؟
His clothes were old and dirty مگه تو جمله بالا He منظورمون نیست؟ پس چرا was نیومده؟
گلوله های برفی بزرگ
hands-on هم معادل فارسیش چی میشه هم انگلیسیش؟
to be part of what is needed to complete or achieve something
He always referred to his father as my old man
The registration for this course has diminished to the point where we must consider eliminating it from the curriculum