It rains cats and dog continuously for 6 hours.
سلام معنیش چی میشه؟ as far as the amount of knowledge goes this is your theoretical knowledge
آیا کلمه ی bromance متضاد دارد؟ اگر متضاد دارد میشه لطفا بهم بگید چی میشه؟
Im more of a dream than a reality It was more of a party than a real weddin You are more of my partner than them mother of my child. ممنون میشم خودتون با مثال بهم بگید
Words are, in my not so humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of magic.
Pete trips over Trini the Triceratops.
The class lines up. Pete’s mom needs the line.
We can’t have him bursting into that hospital room and spoiling the chance of Dad’s getting a confession.
I have this fear of enclosed spaces.
You can’t do that You couldn’t do that