سلام. معادل فارسی power differential در متون اخلاق حرفه ای چی هست؟ مثل اینجا: Power differential is the role difference between two people that results in vulnerability on the part of the less empowered
for example is reflected in less initiative or inhibition in self_organozation.
In H. annuus, nectar concentrations averaged 1.7% of pollen concentrations, despite exclusion of large insects that contribute to such "contamination" for 24 h prior to sampling.
you are under the arrest معنی این جمله چیه مربی ما جلوی کلمه Arrest این رو نوشته بود
Where possible, automatically transfer Potassium Nitrate from drums or other storage containers to process containers
Any evaluation should include a careful history of past and present symptoms with an exam. Medical tests that look for damage already done are not a substitute for controlling exposure.
متوجه معنی عبارت dispute a purchase در جمله زیر نمی شم: Some credit cards allow you to dispute a purchase.
فرق might و maybe و تفاوتشون برای استفادشون تو جمله چیه؟ و جایگاهشون توی ساختار جمله
It was ... extraordinary exhibition that I went twice