What's the difference between cloth , clothes and clothing ?
سلام وعرض ادب آیا دو واژه will به معنی اراده وwilling به معنی تمایل هم ریشه هستند: Willing=will+ing ممنون
Difference between film and movie?
معنای جمله زیر چیست؟ second, because the Sufi concept of "joyful suffering" exonerates the Romantics', especially Wordsworth's, notion of "silent pain" as revealed in his "The Ruined Cottage," "Simon Lee," and "Micheal".
سلام مفعول جمله ی زیر چیه؟ لطفا دلیلشم بگین They always work very hard and give us a normal and healthy life
ترجمه جمله ، درباره بازار های مالیه . جمله اش یه خورده پیچیده ست at a minimum , the second piece I would say is really spin make it a goal , everybody's got different amounts of time that they can dedicate towards studying but at a minimum you should be watching One video a day two videos a day three videos a day
سلام وقتتون بخیر و خسته نباشید کسی میتونه توی ترجمه یه دونه پاراگراف بهم کمک کنه خیلی گیر کردم The upper zone symbolizes one's mental and spiritual life; thus, someone whose handwriting feat ...
معنی این جمله چی میشه professional knowledge of horses
لطفا در ترجمه این متن همفکری کنید. ممنونم For him the religious sphere of existence means not that we can escape our human horizons, but that God can explode their finality from a location at once immanent within and transcendent to them.
معنای این دو کلمه و تفاوتشون در کاربرد چی هست میشه توضیح بدین؟