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معادل showplace for educators در این جمله چی میشه؟ His school, Yverdun, became a showplace for educators.   مدرسه­ او، ایوردون، ... ؟

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ترجمه  He based his theory of human development upon the theory of natural unfoldment, where all human facilities are developed naturally, symmetrically, and harmoniously. به پستالوزی نظریه­ا ...

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ترجمه organizational effort به تلاش های سازمانی درسته؟ یعنی کل جمله  In their organizational efforts for education, as in the arts and sciences, by the Romans far exceeded anything conceived by the Greeks.   بشه همانند هنر و علم، در تلاش­های سازمانی برای آموزش نیز، رومی­ها از هر چیزی که توسط یونانیان درک­ شده­ بود  پا را فراتر نهادند. 

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The pragmatic Romans were great organizers and adapters, so they placed a Rome Plow value upon much of their inheritance from the Greeks.   ترجمه این جمله به رومی­های عمل­گرایانه، سازمان­دهندگا ...

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توی این متن   as Wilds observers, in the Romans' contribution to art and literature, their genius for adaptation and application was far superior to their genius for originality   معنای Wilds observers  چیه؟ چون کپیتال نوشته حتما اسم خاص هست منتها هرچی توی نت زدم چیزی پیدا نکردم

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According to Plato, the objectives of education were benefit the happiness of man and the good of the state.   ترجمه اش  به . از نظر افلاطون اهداف آموزش، سعادت انسان و صلاح حکومت بود.  درسته؟ the good of the state  صلاح حکومت میشه؟

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My laptop is very slow and keeps going wrong. اصطلاح  keeps going wrong به چه معناست؟

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کلمه quick cup  در جمله  I have a quick cup of coffee   چیست.

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