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ممنون میشم در ترجمه این دو جمله بهم کمک کنید. If you put a tape on in the car, within two bars he would shout out the first line of the song. Yep, that’s right, he was brilliant at something – he could win ‘beat the intro’ against anyone. خصوصا این قسمت : within two bars

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معانی مختلف میلک چیه؟ و در چه موقعی معنی دوشیدن میده؟

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فرقشون توی به کار بردنشون چیه کجا باید از کدوم استفاده کنم؟ Among Vs amongst fail Vs  failure 

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سلام من وقتی کلمات جدیدرو یاد می‌گیرم تقریبا بعد مدت کوتاهی فراموش میکنم  چیکار کنم از ذهنم نره؟

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A:How do you look up a job? B: We have all of the information entered on the computer, is also printed on cards which are posted on boards that you can go and look at to select your own job.

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and you look at them and say oh this is a red one and you put it to the left and oh this is a black one, you put it on to the right and oh this is white and you put it in another pile.

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There’s an exception to this if you have something that’s flying or hanging from a ceiling. It may be higher on the pitcher plane yet still be closer to the viewer. S  

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