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تیک ١ پاسخ
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برای صحبت در مورد (کار کردن در جایی) گاهی از کلمه at و گاهی از in استفاده میشه میشه توضیح بدید چرا؟  از هر دو کلمه برای کار کردن در هر مکانی میشه استفاده کرد. و کلا چه تفاوتی بین at و in هست ؟  

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تیک ١ پاسخ
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Eavesdropping—a word which here means “listening in on interesting conversations you are not invited to join”—is a valuable thing to do, and it is often an enjoyable thing to do, but it is things, you ...

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تیک ١ پاسخ
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تیک ١ پاسخ
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A: I have to check, make sure that all my employees are getting the right amount of money. B: How do you make sure of that? A: By making sure all the figures are right. B: Figures are numbers? A: Yeah. I’m checking the numbers, the math. B: Math? A: Math, mathematics, arithmetic.

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