They still can't afford the home that they want
No one will repeat me
تلفظ کلمهی island تو لهجه امریکایی و بریتیش فرق میکنه؟
put your things away
ترجمه عبارت It doesn't hurt to know what's out there
It wasn't any marker . لطفا بگید از نظر گرامری درسته یا نه و به فارسی هم ترجمه کنید.
A formal public or religious event
The negative forms of was and were are was not and were not We usually the short forms
جواب و به انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی میخواستم. would you please eat some cake?
در مورد زبان هفتم میخواستم بدونم که America و Britishداره یافقط انگلیسی داره؟