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A: Who sent you this paycheck? B: My employer sent it to me. A: Your employer? B: Yes, the person who employed me, who gave me employment, who gave me a job. A: Your boss.

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کاربردشون کجاست؟ به طور مثال دو جمله زیر چه فرقی دارند: don’t understand a word Not understand a word

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The doctors said they could take out a piece of her brain and maybe stop the seizures Maybe stop the seizures  چه ساختاری هست؟ فعل و فاعلش کدومه؟

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my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them

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مثلا: چرا در جمله زیر از get و یا became استفاده نشد؟ The animals grew tired of listening to the hare

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