روش هدف گذاری "smart" مخفف چه کلمه هایی میشه ؟
سلام .روش هدف گذاری
مخفف چه کلمه هایی میشه ؟
٤ پاسخ
Specific: Well defined, clear, and unambiguous
Measurable: With specific criteria that measure your progress toward the accomplishment of the goal
Achievable: Attainable and not impossible to achieve
Realistic (Relevant): Within reach, realistic, and relevant to your life purpose
Timely (Time-bound): With a clearly defined timeline, including a starting date and a target date. The purpose is to create urgency
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
مخفف کلمات (معین) Specific، (قابل اندازهگیری) Measurable، (دستیافتنی) Achievable، (مرتبط) Realistic و (زماندار) Time-Based است.
S: Specific مشخص
M: Measurable قابل اندازه گیری
A: Achievable دست یافتنی
R: Realistic مبتنی بر واقعیت
T: Time-bases زمان دار