فرق بین fear,scare,dread,horror چیه؟
٢ پاسخ
Fear is a general term for an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. It can be a rational response to a real threat or an irrational response to an imagined threat.
Scare is a sudden feeling of fear or alarm, often caused by something unexpected or startling. It is usually temporary and can be triggered by something like a loud noise or a surprise.
Dread is a feeling of great fear or apprehension about something that is going to happen in the future. It is often associated with a sense of impending doom or inevitability.
Horror is an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust caused by something terrifying, gruesome, or revolting. It is often associated with extreme and disturbing situations that evoke strong emotional reactions.
fear : فکر کنم یه نوع ترس زاتی باشه ترس از امتحان ،هواپیما ، ارتفاع
dread : وحشت چیزی که همه ناخودآگاه مترسن یه هویی یکی رو بترسونی وحشت میکه
horror : یه صفته horror man , house , shack