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ترجمه این جمله لطفاً  the look on his face was not so much of terror as of sickness onto death 

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از کتاب جزیره گنج if I don't have a drop of rum , Jim, I shall go mad , I shall begin seeing things,   در شرطی چرا از shall  استفاده شده است ؟ و در جمله بعد ایا بهتر نیست از to see استفاده کنیم ؟ 

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چند گزینه‌ای

I know that you are not a doctor , ....... you could have bandaged my cuts,  بجای نقطه چین کدام واژه صحیح است 

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به این جمله ها توجه کنید  the near side of a horse is the lefthand side,  don't come near , this bull is dangerous,  کلمه near  در جمله دوم قید است ولی چرا از  nearly  استفاده نشده است  don't come nearly, 

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کدام جمله صحیح نیست و چرا ؟  she took a great deal trouble to please me ,  she took a lot of trouble to please me  she took many trouble to please me  she took much trouble to please me 

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