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سلام وقت بخیر معنی جمله  she framed against the eerie  چیست؟

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Kiss it off me معنی این جمله چیست؟

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کار خوبی انجام دادن رو به زبان ساده تو یک کلمه چی میگن برای مثال: خوب زندگی رو از من ربودی 

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Okay, the next word is local. So, if I say I’m just popping down to my local. What would I be saying? What do I mean? Well, I mean I’m copping down. just quickly visiting my local pub. Now a big part ...

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Woman: Excuse me? Pharmacist: Yes. How may I help you? Woman: I have a sore throat, so my doctor gave me this prescription. Can I get it filled, please?

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A: Maximum 50 kilometers per hour. B: You mean a pedestrian is not allowed to go faster than 50 kilometers an hour? A: Ha, ha, ha. B: What’s so funny? Why are you laughing? A: That’s absurd. It means vehicles mustn’t exceed that speed not pedestrians, ha, ha, ha.

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معنی این کالوکیشن  ensure compliance 

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