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 That's why the second part is necessary: passing inclusionary zoning mandates. Inclusionary zoning isn't just the passive absence of exclusionary ordinances but the proactive, insistent opposit ...

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یه تیکه از شعر تتلو هستش که ترجه انگلیسیش رو میخوام

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ترجمه جمله یکی از سوالات کنکور زبان کسی میتونه اینو ترجمه کنه؟ مخصوصا جمله اولشو As yet my understanding of the subject was anything but sufficient, but I never for a moment doubtedthat, while I might work hard and comprehend these studies quite thoroughly,the true meaning of my life laysomewhere else.

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من میزنم هرَم کلمات مختلفی میاد 

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معنی بفرمایید  dont miss out on important updates

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Ty Cobb stole more bases than any person in history, but was also thrown out trying to steal a base more times than anyone else in history.

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All these expression reveal that the Mexican views of life as combat. That attitude does not make him any different from anyone else in the modern word. For other people, however the manly ideal consi ...

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