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باسلام  در. رشته عمران. معنی Yield strength of nail جی میشه ؟

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ترجمه مناسب  organizers and adapters به سازمان دهندگان و تنظیم کنندگان در این متن مناسبه؟ The pragmatic Romans were great organizers and adapters, so they placed a Rome Plow value upon much of their inheritance from the Greeks. 

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توی این جمله Wildsرو کپتال نوشته پس حتما اسم خاص هست ممکنه اسم یه فرد باشه ولی هرچی گشتم توی نت چیزی پیدا نکردم As Wilds observers, in the Romans' contributions to art and literature, their genius f ...

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لطفا  ترجمه برای این جمله پیشنهاد بدین Being led yet somehow feeling at ease

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باسلام. ترجمه دقیق این جمله چیست؟ She's been having driving lessons for a couple of months. 

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“That’s the road you are on now. What a simpleton you have been! They tried to reach you, they tried to help you and you kept your mind closed – thinking that you alone could find the road and stay on it.”

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Many people assume that the major purpose of education is to shape the behavior of the young so that they will fit into today's technological society.   توی این جمله young به معنای کودکان درسته؟

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توی جمله  Among them are the behavioral characteristics of animate organisms, particularly rational human beings; the thoughts of philosophers and educational theorists; and the evidence collected in laboratory studies, clinical research, and tests and measurement.   ترجمه measurement به اندازه گیری ها درسته؟

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توی این جمله ترجمه Attending به  درپی درسته؟  There he carried on extensive psychological and psychological studies of sensations, perception, audition, the astronomer's "reaction-time" pr ...

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