پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی => زبان انگلیسی => واژگان)
معنی کلمه"floor cushion "
Ladies and gentlemen it is a very great privilege for me to be asked to make a speech about the bride and her........
یا درک کردن با شاید حریم شخصی آیا معنیش میشه زیاد یا معنیش میشه راحت
In ....... nothing much happened at the meeting.
Politicians pretend to ignore opinion ........
European cuisine always ....... a sense of nostalgia and romance, like running into an old flame.
When the announcement was made about their ......., there was a big celebration.
A long, narrow mark or band A group of people or things arranged in a row To cover the inner surface of something