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secret information revealed German plans for a first-line strength of 1,296 planes, with full reserves, by the autumn of 1936. یا در این جمله the German Air Force would be no larger than 500 firstline aircraft by the end of 1935 هواپیمای خط مقدم درسته؟ یا آماده به کار؟

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درود معنی واژه ترکیبی Vanity gear چی میشه؟

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چند گزینه‌ای

Peter’s talk did not give an objective view of the situation but revealed his own ……… . 

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 Sarah: 'You mustn't eat with your mouth full.' Paul: '.......' (a) Oh I must, must I? (c) Oh I have to, have I? (b) Oh I can't, can I? (d) Oh I mustn't, must I?

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مفهوم ضرب المثل  " a book holds a house of gold"  چیه ؟ ضرب المثل معادل برای این ضرب المثل در فارسی داریم ؟

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 You'd rather I kept quiet about it ....... (a) did you? (b) had you? (c) wouldn't you? (d) do you?  He used to work in the city ....... (a) had he? (b) does he? (c) has he? (d) didn't he? ...

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معادل فارسی برای  "Mental Model " پیشهناد بدید .

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