پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی)
*اسم لوسمی با حروف وگرامر به زبان انگلیسی چه طورنوشته میشود؟ *معنای نام لوسیمی چیست ؟ اسم لوسیمی متعلق به کدام کشوراست ؟
ضرب المثل bad news travels fast معادل فارسی داره ؟
Peter’s talk did not give an objective view of the situation but revealed his own ……… .
معنی و کاربرد ضرب المثل "inorder break the rules learn the rules"
معنی one's own one چیه ؟
Medical research at the cellular level, ……… research on the immune system, has been made possible through twentieth-century advances in techniques of genetic research.
Gradually, Microsoft became the ……… company in the software business.
ضرب المثل فارسی معادل برای ضرب المثل انگلیسی " ask a silly question and get a silly answer" داریم ؟
The more advanced the specialization in production and the more complex the economy, ……… to make any given good reach its ultimate user by using barter.
Her strict ……… to the diet caused her to lose a lot of weight in one month.