پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی)
I think he'll succeed but it's a lot of work and sometimes he feels he's bitten off more than he can ........
Scientists do ………. to fine out the secrets in their labs.
I wish we could stick to the subject and just consider the topic ....... issue.
کاربرد ضرب المثل " absence is the mother of disillusion"
I honestly wouldn't trust either of them. They both think the same way and they're two of a ........
ترجمه اصطلاح مدیریتی "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)"
The Core Conditions and the “Being” of the Child-Centered Play Therapist دوستان معنی وجود و هستی رو میدونم دنبال یه ترجمه قشنگم برای این تیتر
ترجمه ی ضرب المثل " it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive" چی میشه ؟
People with a known history of tuberculosis will automatically be ....... from entering Australia.
با درود خدمت شما آقاي ميرکريمي ضمن تشکر از شما بابت ارسال مطالب آموزنده ريشه کلمات چنانچه نام کتاب مورد نظر رو بفرماييد ممنون ميشم