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 I will try very hard to come and have dinner at your house if I ....... able to.

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Frank et al. exposed 3-month-old male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats to inescapable tail shock, with 1.6 mA, 5 s each, 100 times. They found the increase of MHC II-positive cells in the dentate gyrus and CA3 region in the hippocampus (HC). Eventually, these MHC II-positive cells were found to be Iba1-positive microglia.

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چند گزینه‌ای
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Pilgrim, Pilgrimage and Road Was but myself toward Myself, and your Arrival but Myself at my own door

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تیک ١ پاسخ
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معنی ضرب المثل انگلیسی محاوره ای  " being happy is better than being king"  چی میشه ؟ معادل فارسی داریم براش ؟؟

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١ رأی
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اطلاعاتی برای نمایش وجود ندارد.