پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی)
کاربرد ضرب المثل " it is not work that kills, but worry" کجاست ؟
Any honorable hero, would sacrifice their love for the world. But a villain,would reduce this Wretched world to ash, for that who he loves. Now tell me, from which cloth, are you cut?
معادل فارسی برای "Logical Operators" چی میشه ؟
Items such as pointed scissors and ice skates are examples of articles that are not permitted in your ....... baggage when boarding an aircraft.
مثلا بخوایم بگیم سارا گفت میتونی کمکم کنی از sara said can you help me? یا از Tell استفاده میکنیم
معنی اصطلاح " Jelly legs " در مکالمات محاوره ای چیه ؟
معادل فارسی " Interactive Tooltips " چی میشه ؟
کاربرد " love cannot exist where there is no trust" در مکالمه ی روز مره کجاست ؟
The train now ....... at the platform 6 is the 10.45 for London.