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Eight ways to trick a guy in to a relationship توی یه سریالی کلمه trick (تریک)رو (چریک)تلفظ میکردن.میخواستم بدونم که نکته ی تلفظیش چی هست؟
In spite of its scientific method, neoclassical economics had strong ideological implication. The theoretical model assumed the existence of a structure of economic institutions based on i ...
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فوت کوزهگری میخواممم
کسی میتونه کلمه های این صفحه رو مرتب کنه و باهاش جمله بسازه
Fund performance is the acid test of fund management, and in the institutional context accurate measurement is a necessity. For that purpose, institutions measure the performance of each f ...
John: 'Thank you so much.' ali: '.......'
دوستان درسته که Title به نسبت topic کمی باید فانتزی تر باشه؟ مثلا: Topic:New Road Safety Technoligies Title:Robots on the Roads
What is a "Pareto Chart" and how is it used?