پرسشها با دستهبندی (زبان انگلیسی => زبان انگلیسی => سایر)
The foreign student advisor recommended that she ……… more English before enrolling at the university.
Which is correct?
Manager: Where’s Mr Davidson? Assistant: Oh, he’s -------London today.
Alex: I’d like to make a cake. eggs have we got? Andrea: Three, I think. Let me check.....
سلام وعرض ادب آیا دو واژه will به معنی اراده وwilling به معنی تمایل هم ریشه هستند: Willing=will+ing ممنون
این کتاب رو کسی میدونه چیه
He always gives such _____________ gifts that are perfect for the recipient.
This new printer is recommended as being ...... reliable.
اسم و فامیل حسین سلیمی نژاد به انگلیسی کدوم میشه Hossein salimi nezhad Hossein salimi nejad
A _____________ smile crossed her face as she looked through old love letters from her husband.