put out to pasture

1- (در مرتع) چراندن، به چرا واداشتن 2- از کار برکنار کردن، کنارگذاشتن، وادار به استراحت کردن

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Put out to pasture” is an idiom that means to retire someone from their job, usually because they are too old to be useful. The phrase is often used to describe a situation where someone is no longer able to perform their job duties effectively due to age or other factors. The phrase is believed to have originated from the practice of moving old or injured livestock to a pasture where they can graze and live out the rest of their lives in peace.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بازنشسته کردن شخصی از شغلش است، معمولاً به این دلیل که سن او برای مفید بودن زیاد است. این عبارت اغلب برای توصیف وضعیتی به کار می رود که در آن شخصی دیگر به دلیل سن یا عوامل دیگر قادر به انجام وظایف شغلی خود به طور موثر نیست. اعتقاد بر این است که این عبارت از عمل انتقال دام های پیر یا آسیب دیده به مرتعی نشأت می گیرد که در آن دام ها می توانند چرا کنند و بقیه عمر خود را در آرامش بگذرانند.
After 30 years of service, the CEO was finally put out to pasture and replaced by a younger executive.
The company’s outdated technology was put out to pasture in favor of newer, more efficient systems.
The aging quarterback was put out to pasture after a string of poor performances.
The veteran teacher was put out to pasture after the school district decided to cut costs.
The old car was finally put out to pasture after years of faithful service.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/put-out-to-pasture
