get one's knickers in a twist

پیشنهاد کاربران

🔴 to become upset about something that is not very important
🔴 If someone is getting their knickers in a twist about something, they are getting annoyed or upset about it without good reason.
◀️ Don't get your knickers in a twist: I'll be ready in a minute!
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ ?Do you know what really twists my knavkers : میدونی چی واقعاً اعصابم رو خرد میکنه؟
◀️ She didn't know why he was getting his knickers in a twist
◀️ to become confused, worried, or annoyed about something

ناراحت شدن از چیزی که خیلی مهم نیست
بدون دلیل موجه در مورد چیزی یا کسی عصبانی یا ناراحت شدن
عصبانی شدن یا ناراحت شدن
